What is Android?
Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers use Android as an operating system. Android is one of the fastest growing mobile platforms and was created by Google and Open Handset Alliance. The number of devices using Android is in millions and increasing with a great speed. Android training in Ambala gives you a platform for Mobile applications.
Android is a mobile operating system that consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel, middleware libraries. APIs are written in C language and application software runs on an application framework that includes Java-compatible libraries.
To begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java Programming Language Android SDK development kit is used which provides the tools and necessary APIs.
Android uses the Java programming language and runs on The Dalvik Virtual Machine. Android development environment is rich including tools for debugging, a device emulator using which Android can also run non-natively on x86 architectures, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE.
Flutter for Android: Easily Build Powerful Android Applications
The trend of mobile applications is skyrocketing worldwide. To create complex applications for both iOS and Android without much hassle various tools are introduced in the market to help developers. Flutter is one of the powerful tools that have won the hearts of the whole Android app development industry. Using this surprising toolkit, Android developers can build cross-platform applications very easily.
Java / Kotlin for Android:
Did you know that around 600 of the top 1000 Android Play Store apps use Kotlin? Chances of getting jobs in multi-national companies are greatly increased if a student has the knowledge of Kotlin and flutter. Because of hands-on experience working on this concise, safe, and interoperable multi-programming language our certified students have got jobs in reputed companies. So, Join our Android training in Ambala for the latest Android development training and work on live projects.
Benefits of doing Android training:
Android Training in Ambala at Apxic Technologies will teach you how to build real-world and fun mobile applications using the new Android SDK effortlessly. Our curriculum covers the fundamentals of building apps for phones, and tablets to advanced concepts such as multi-tasking and use the Android APIs.
Comparison: Android and iPhone
When you purchase an iPhone, you are trapped with as much storage as you determined to buy at the get-go. Most Android phones, however, have a microSD card slot which gives you an option to buy more storage freedom.
If your battery starts disposing of, you may remove it and replace it with a new one. Can’t do that with an iPhone.
Android isn’t a concern where your music comes from. But in iOS 8 and Apple there are restrictions, which involve iTunes if you want to fill your iPhone up with songs.
You can utilize any micro-USB cable to charge your Android phone. If you want to charge your iPhone, you need to have Apple’s proprietary cable.
Using Google’s app store you can download apps to your phone directly from its website. If you explore an iPhone app in a browser, on the other hand, you have to open iTunes or the App Store to download and install it.
Apple’s baked-in Maps apps aren’t as superior as Google’s, but on an iPhone, you can’t create Google Maps by default.
Reasons for choosing us to get Android Training in Ambala:
Our trained and experienced tutors will provide real-time project training with code explanation and implementation knowledge to the students. Our android app development course is completely designed according to the requirements of the IT market. After completion of 75% of course, the students will get a chance to do Live Project Training. We provide android app development training in online and offline modes.
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