Best Python training in Ambala at APXIC Technologies Private Limited to begin with and can help you to build a desirable career. Assuredly, we’ve made efforts to provide Python training in Ambala, and as a result, we’ve been able to make a good name for ourselves on the market.
APXIC Technologies is Ambala’s leading and Best Python Training institute. Also, we educate and train our students according to the technical requirements that help them get their dream jobs in various MNC’s. In addition to providing 100 % placement support, APXIC offers the best Python Training in Ambala.
To be sure our course is being designed for everyone who wants to understand Python programming and frameworks. Moreover, Training on Python is being imparted in a friendly environment with team tasks and definite goals. Your once and for all search for a Python training institute will end with APXIC Technologies.
In addition to the Python course, We also conduct professional level modules in Data Science, including the use of Python with Data Analytics Course, Data Visualization, and Machine Learning along with Framework Django, Python with MongoDB, Flask, Python for Testing, Advanced Python, etc.
Our Python training course syllabus is inclusive of Introduction to Python, Decision making & Loops, Functions, Variables, and data types, Exception Handling, Modules and Packages, Files and Directories, Regular Expressions, Classes Objects, Socket programming & Many more altogether with Python Training on real-time projects and Python placement training in Ambala.
We are the most reliable Python Training Institute in Ambala, providing 100 % placement assistance. Altogether It has a well-defined Python course module and training sessions. The Python training courses at APXIC in Ambala take place on weekdays and weekends, both in the morning and in the evening.
Who is eligible for this course?
Equally, Apprentices with general knowledge in computers would be considered sufficient to be eligible to learn the Python language. However, beginners with basic information about software programming can be an effective tool. In addition, Python coaching in Ambala is open to all students who want to learn and excel in their careers by enrolling in this Python course. Fresh college graduates, technology students want to become either a developer or tester, experienced professionals wishing to learn new skills for higher promotion in an organization, or tech enthusiasts want to automate their daily tasks must getting touch with APXIC Technologies. We also welcome students from all sections of society.
Job Opportunities in Python
The sky is the limit! Overall Python is a buzzing word in the Information Technology arena. As a result, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Big Data are giant technologies dependent upon Python’s revolutionary programming solutions.
Basically, Python is a buzzing word in the field of information technology. Moreover, artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Big Data are giant technologies that depend on Python ‘s revolutionary programming solutions. Python is still used for high-end computational tasks, developing crucial programming, and constructing data analysis solutions. Thus, the Python course in Ambala is quick to learn and easy to understand if you have enrolled in APXIC’s coaching program.
Industrial sectors such as automobile, aviation, biotechnology, chemicals, construction, defense manufacturing, electrical machinery, electronic systems, food processing, IT and BPM, leather, media and entertainment, mining, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, ports and shipping, railways, renewable energy, roads and highways, space, textiles and garments, thermal power, tourism and hospitality, and wellness are hiring Python developers for their business development or projects. Also, the average salary offered to Python programmers ranges from 3.5 to 4.8 lacs per annum. However, the salary may differ depending upon the sector, location, and project’s requirements.
Course Content and Syllabus for Python Training in Ambala
An Introduction to Python
- Introductory Remarks about Python
- A Brief History of Python
- How python differs from other languages
- Python Versions
- Installing Python
- Getting Help
- How to execute the Python program
- Writing your first program
Python Basics
- Python keywords and Identifiers
- Python statements
- Python indentation
- Comments in python
- command line arguments
- Getting user input
- Exercise
Variables and data types
- Introduction
- Variables
- Data types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Lists, tuples & Dictionary
- Exercise
Decision making & Loops
- Introduction
- Control Flow and Syntax
- The if Statement
- Python Operators
- The while Loop
- break and continue
- The for Loop
- Pass statement
- Exercise
- Introduction
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built in functions
- Scope of variables
- Decorators
- Passing Functions to a Function
- Lambda
- Closures
- Exercise
Modules and Packages
- Modules
- Importing module
- Standard Module – sys
- Standard Module – OS
- The dir Function
- Packages
- Exercise
Exception Handling
- Errors
- Run Time Errors
- Handling IO Exceptions
- Try…. except statement
- Raise
- Assert
- Exercise
Files and Directories
- Introduction
- Writing Data to a File
- Reading Data From a File
- Additional File Methods
- Working with files
- Working with Directories
- The pickle Module
- Exercise
Classes Objects
- Introduction classes and objects
- Creating Classes
- Instance Methods
- Special class method
- Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Data hiding
- Exercise
Regular Expressions
- Introduction
- Match function
- Search function
- Grouping
- Matching at Beginning or End
- Match Objects
- Flags
- Exercise
Socket programming
- What are sockets?
- Creating sockets
- Server-client socket methods
- Connecting client-server
- Client-server chatting program
- Exercise
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